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Connor Baxter

Pro SUP paddler


     "A few days after the SGB procedure I had a clear mindset and felt a whole reset of my body. I was more focused and efficient with my training."

Jen M.


"I feel calmer, things aren't bothering me as much anymore. I can handle my normal life better. My physical anxiety symptoms went away after the Stellate Block....I can't recommend it enough."

OMG! I went in for the pain and yes it has helped but more importantly, I had what I described as a hamster on a wheel running in my head and I am so much calmer and way more focused. All of the stress of my mom passing away in addition to all the other chaos in my life and head is gone. I am so much clearer than I have been in so long this has been a blessing! I truly feel like a new person!
Elisa M.

Alexa Young, CA

John K.


"I didn't realize I was so bound emotionally. After the Stellate Block procedure I felt able to communicate more freely and express my emotions."

Danny Ching, Pro SUP, Surfer, Paddling Coach
     (notice right eye droop after successful SGB)
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